Multiplexed RFID reader

Multiplexed RFID reader – keeping multiple antennas “on track”

Eccel’s customer is a model railway enthusiast who required a low-cost custom design to link multiple antennas to a single RFID reader in order to detect and correctly identify trains and communicate wirelessly as they reached certain positions around the track where antennas were positioned.

In order to provide an “out of the box” solution at low-cost and minimise the requirement for complex electrical circuitry and RFID engineering know-how, Eccel designed a single RFID reader board with the capability to link with up to eight external multiplexed antennas.

Eccel’s new design is a multiplexed version of our Pepper C1 reader (the Pepper C1 MUX). This multiplexer is equipped with 8 sockets for external antennas, an LED for identification of a tag attached to each train (or other moving object) as the tags are passed over the antenna’s reading field.

Pepper C1 MUXThis new multiplexer is available in four different versions each with wireless capability plus 1 of the following 4 hard-wired interfaces: USB, RS232, RS485 or UART.

The design produced was simple for the customer to implement and enables them to communicate and send messages to the module with Eccel’s own ready-made binary software command protocols.

The Pepper C1 MUX is an extremely powerful tool for customers looking to add RFID functionality to their design and get this up and running quickly thanks to our multiple hardware interface versions available and free library of complementary software and online technical support.

If you are interested in learning more about our new Pepper C1 multiplexer please visit our product page:

Alternatively you can send us an e-mail at:

Visit this site to see more related videos: [click here].

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  1. Hi – Followed this up from the McKinley Railway video and was wondering if you carry out any interface evaluations with commercial model railway control systems – a few have opted for JMRI but my particular interest is potential interoperability with iTrain which is well establised in both the UK and continental Europe ?

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